Wates Group Enhance Safety Procedures with Field View
How Wates Group Adapted to New Demands Created by Covid-19 Restrictions
Field View was already an integral part of Wates Group's on-site operation - from quality assurance to project delivery and handover.
However, when COVID-19 restrictions hit in March 2020, they used Field View to further adapt and enhance on-site health and safety precautions.

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Contractors using commercial software to gather jobsite data report significantly higher satisfaction rates than those using paper or spreadsheets.

Many contractors still have concerns about storing their data in the cloud, and in particular around how secure their cloud-stored data will be. Security concerns are listed as the top reason for not managing data in the cloud.

While 86 per cent of respondents are relying on anti-malware software to address data security, only 45 per cent of those surveyed have implemented employee compliance training.
This space is typically reserved for a video, but could be an opportunity for more content in this instance.